The Foothills Regional LRRC, serving you.
Household Hazardous Waste
Fast Facts…
At current rates, we have around 70 years of airspace remaining for the landfill site.
Waste Wood Grinding – Request for Proposal
The LRRC wants to recycle, or reuse as much wood waste as possible and keep such materials out of the landfill. The LRRC is looking for options that will minimize costs for the site, minimize safety risks, and provide an environmentally responsible end use for the...
2017 Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Waste Round-up
The round-up occurred on Sept. 16, 2017 at the Priddis and Black Diamond/Turner Valley transfer stations. These transfer stations are owned by the MD of Foothills and typically only collect regular household garbage, along with leaves, yard waste, and branches from...
Fall Round Up!
The Foothills Regional Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre (LRRC) has been organizing household hazardous waste (HHW) and electronic waste roundups twice per year, at the MD of Foothills’ transfer stations. The transfer stations are located in Priddis and between...