New Hydrovac Facility

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Foothills Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre is pleased to announce the completion of our new hydrovac facility.

We are now able to receive non contaminated hydrovac waste at our newly constructed Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) approved site.

Designed for safety and efficiency our site features multiple dumping stations to speed up turnaround time. Our large, elevated gravel staging area and concrete dumping pad provide a clean and safe work area for operators to empty and clean out their trucks.

Offering reasonable rates, and now extended hours to better serve your needs.

Feel free to stop in and let us help you save time and money, while disposing of your hydrovac waste in a safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible manner.

Location: 434137 Hwy 783, Okotoks AB T1S 1B6

Hours Of Operation:

Sunday: Closed
Monday: 830am-600pm
Tuesday: 830am-600pm
Wednesday: 830am-600pm
Thursday: 830am-600pm
Friday: 830am-600pm
Saturday: 830am-430pm


Foothills Landfill: 403-938-5224

Hydrovac Facility Direct Line: 403-336-0511